Mrs. Sumiati in Blitar, East Java

Mrs Sumiati went out of her comfort zone to decide her own life. Joining and following in the footsteps of her parents who are entrepreneurs and selling from market to market, Mrs Sumiati wants to find a new independent business as soon as possible.

Finally, in 1993, Mrs Sum had the courage to enter the chicken breeder business; the option she chose was for laying hens, where the eggs would be sold to consumers.

Unexpectedly, from the beginning only 500 heads, which gradually increased to 1,000 and 2,000 tails, in just a matter of months they produced very many eggs. With her progress, Mrs Sumiati hopes to increase her business. Sure enough, just 5 years of opening this buying and selling a business, the husband couple decided to return to Indonesia and build the business their wife had started.