On June 19, 2024, KSP Sahabat Mitra Sejati (KSP SMS) supported one of its members as part of its corporate social responsibility (CSR). On this occasion, KSP SMS Pondok Labu Branch provided a freezer and a wall fan to support the Nasi Uduk Ommy business owned by Member Mr. Suherman.

The handover of assistance was carried out at the customer’s business location in Gading Serpong, Tangerang, attended by Mr. Pungki Nugroho as Depok Area Manager, Mr. Ndandung Kuswoyo as Pondok Labu Branch Manager, Mr. Dedy Mulyadi as Area Financing Manager, Mrs. Marliani Yusnita as Area Operation Manager, and was received directly by Mr. Suherman as the owner of Nasi Uduk Ommy.

Mr. Suherman expressed his gratitude for KSP Sahabat Mitra Sejati’s assistance and hoped that it would help his business become bigger and more advanced.