Sigit Anton Syaputra from Parit Baru, West Kalimantan, Friendly and humble, is the first impression of the man who worked in an institution in Pontianak. For more than 3 years Sigit has been a member of KSP Sahabat Mitra Sejati in Pontianak. He told us about the cooperation between him and KSP Sahabat Mitra Sejati’s branch team so far.
Starting his role as PPSM referrer when he was an employee of KSP Sahabat Mitra Sejati branch Sambas and Singkawang, Sigit had been a member with the highest number of references in the West Kalimantan Area for several times. Currently he is active as a referrer for Probiz product. This father of 1 child has provided 48 NOA references. “At first it was difficult to sell PROBIZ, but after I understood the product more and the flexibility it offered, I could and continued to offer it to prospective members,” Sigit said.
“I received a quite large commission and it motivated me to keep looking for potential members.” When being asked whether he played a part in maintaining the payment of his referenced members, Sigit who also received a loyalty commission from his referral results in 2019 just nodded. “My communication to the branch is smooth. I am close to the branch team and help to take care of borrower payments. I did that because I wanted the relationship with the branch to be long term.”
There were some challenges in being an active referrer, but Sigit has a strategy to directly approach the prospective members who want to borrow and to ensure good character for each one of them. In addition, he also motivates him self to keep trying and expand connections if there were references that got rejected. “Many members I referred introduced their colleagues to become prospective members. So I can be productive by referring to my own prospective members, even from PPSM borrowers.”