“At first, I tried to make three bowls (of tape ketan). I gave it to a neighbor who liked to buy tape. My neighbor said that my tape was excellent. I just made it then for Eid. Never before,” she said. Because of its different taste, Mrs. Enjun’s tape ketan suddenly became a topic of conversation. The neighbor ordered 25 buckets, followed by another order with the same portion. From there, the “Harum Sari” tape ketan was born, a mandatory snack that tape fans in Kuningan were always chasing after.

The orders came like Mrs. Enjun’s laughter, which was always busy. Buyers kept coming to Sindangagung, Kuningan, her first production house. Mrs. Enjun was overwhelmed because only a few skilled workers could help her produce tape ketan in that area.

Raw materials for sticky rice and guava leaves were obtained from regular suppliers from Indramayu. Mrs. Enjun’s regular supplier sends five to ten tons of raw glutinous rice weekly. At the time of Eid, Mrs. Enjun even received a supply of up to 300 tons of sticky rice. As for the yeast, Mrs. Enjun bought it herself from Bandung.

With production increasing yearly, Mrs. Enjun needed business capital to expand production. This need led her to become acquainted with the KSP Sahabat Mitra Sejati (KSP SMS) three years ago. Mrs. Enjun then received new financial support to meet growing customer demands. The Harum Sari tape ketan costs Rp70,000 for a small bucket and Rp80,000 for a larger bucket. The price was indeed higher than other vendors. However, Harum Sari’s tape ketan was always sold out daily, with an average daily income of up to tens of millions.